Bram Invites

Bram Invites


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Junior Conservatory Maastricht

This concert is given by several students from the Young Talent Class of the Maastricht Conservatory. Only exceptionally talented young musicians are admitted to this international training. Among them are regional, national and international prize winners.

Talent, passion and perseverance

These young talents have a good passion, a great talent and are willing to work hard for this. Junior Conservatory Maastricht embraces and encourages them to make their talents come to full bloom. This is done in group lessons, individual lessons, but also by giving concerts at home and abroad, so that they are optimally challenged to grow into a professional musician.

Junior Conservatory Maastricht bases its work on close collaboration with teachers from the region and outside. This collaboration with music schools, music associations, private teachers and concert halls ensures that the Maastricht Conservatory can contribute to the further cultural development of talent in the region.

Bram Invites

Bram de Vree was born and raised in Valkenswaard. After taking his first musical steps here, he studied, among other things. on the conservatories of Maastricht, Oslo and Paris. As a soloist and with his Mosa Trio, he won many prizes at international competitions. He is a teacher at the Maastricht Conservatory and plays concerts around the world.


Photographer: Brian Inostroza

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