Bolder & Van Santen
The performance falls within the '3x theater for € 33' promotion. Do you want to use this? Order tickets via [this page] ( where it is explained how you can order this package.
A new duo has formed: Bolder & van Santen. Theatermakers Audrey Bolder (formerly cabaret duo Bolder & Plante) and Noël van Santen (formerly Cabaret duo Shaking) together form a new controversial torque. These physical actors together make the performance 'call it a marriage'.
In this performance, Bolder & Van Santen depart from a mountain of household goods of just a man and just a woman. Everything is said, everything is polite and everything is dreamed. For a lifetime they have spoken together, silent, collected things and now they are in that crowded house and there seems to be no escaping anymore. Hilarious and moving scenes alternate rapidly. Sometimes with text, then physically again. The absurdity is in enlarging the everyday, the humor lies in the unexpected turns. Actors Audrey and Noël are a close duo that effortlessly responds to each other. They bring a physical cabaret performance about the beautiful misery in which love can get bogged down
Bolder & Van Santen previously made location theater and small short performances for festivals. In addition, they each have an impressive list of productions and performances in which they have played or that they have made themselves.
Genre: narrative and physical cabaret
Photographer: Titus Tiel Groenestege