Concert Die Edelweisskapelle

Concert Die Edelweisskapelle


100 years of Ernst Mosch

This year the 100th birthday is celebrated of the "king of wind music": Ernst Mosch. Together with his orchestra "Die Original Egerländer Musikanten", he built a huge oeuvre during his 42-year career that is known as "Egerländer music". More than 40 million LPs sold and CDs prove the power and beauty of the Egerländersound. To this day, the influence of Ernst Mosch (November 7, 1925 - May 15, 1999) is huge. Hundreds of chapels throughout Europe still play its melodies. Die Edelweisskapelle from Bergeijk, led by kapelmeester Henri Coppens, has compiled a program with exclusively songs from the repertoire of "Ernst Mosch und Seine Origländer Musikanten". This concert, with singing duo Annie & Rens, guarantees the most beautiful Polkas, Walsen and Marsen. The presentation is in the hands of Ruud van Didden, known for Ruud's Music Magazine, who tells between the songs through the life story of Ernst Mosch. This unique concert consists of two parts of 60 minutes and is also equipped with beautiful slides and film images. Ernst Mosch: a phenomenon, the founder of Egerländermusic and forever "the original". Experience this concert and you will become a bigger fan of this genre than you already were!

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