Jules Keeris (première)

Jules Keeris (première)


Waiting list

In his second cabaret program, Jules investigates his identity full of contradictions. He is a village boy in the city and vice versa. Super ambitious and also longing for simplicity and tranquility. A "football hooligan" in the cultural sector. Stelly and hesitant. And now he is suddenly more thirties: not young anymore, although he is not part of the big people either. "Knegsel-Zuid" is about the fear of falling between shore and ship, but it is also an ode to his Brabant roots. Because he is proud of that. For this performance he worked with friend and songwriter JW Roy.

Jules Keeris (Knegsel, 1993) is a comedian, actor and director. In 2018 he graduated cum laude from the Academy for Theater in Tilburg. He successfully toured with his first program "The Choorses" and acquired prizes and final places at various cabaret festivals. In addition to his solo work, he directs theater productions and colleague baretiers, acts in theater performances and TV commercials and plays with musical theater company "De Italians" throughout the country. Jules' work is comical, often has an absurd edge and is always full of fun and compassion for fellow human beings. His performances feel like a warm bath, in which there is a lot of laughter.


Photographer: Ans Ketelaars

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