Peter van Ewijk

Peter van Ewijk


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The performance falls within the '3x theater for € 33' promotion. Do you want to use this? Order tickets via [this page] ( where it is explained how you can order this package.

The light bulb, the phone, penicillin, the computer, toilet paper, the pill: all great inventions that we still benefit from every day. Peter van Ewijk sometimes wants to invent something. Or at least find out what use he has here on earth. After studying inventors and inventions for two years to turn it into a hilarious, multimedia cabaret performance, he feels that his long-awaited Eureka moment is coming. Live, On Stage, in our theater he will invent something that makes him disappear from contemporary, confusing, polarized society once and for all. The world will never be the same again. History is written. You will just be there that evening ...


Photographer: Erik Mewaard

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