
Guido Weijers

On this interactive evening, the Fremdkörper of the cabaret takes you into a journey through time. Weijers overwhelm you with

Jochen Otten

Jochens popularity continues to grow and he is now indispensable on the screen. Known from Expedition Robinson and immensely popular

Ja, ik wil!

The newest Dutch musicalcomedy yes, I want! is a hilarious and recognizable performance about everything that has to do with

Knock-Out Comedy Crew on Tour

An evening knock out comedy crew is especially guaranteed to laugh a lot, unadulterated stand-up comedy, without a common thread.

The Kik

The band The Kik consists of singer Dave von Raven, bass player Marcel Groenewegen, guitarist Arjan Spies, drummer Ries Doms

Selma Visscher

Her way to the cabaret stage is one from the book. She was sent from the theater school. And less