Bureau Buitenschot – De Verleiders

Bureau Buitenschot - De Verleiders

Theater en toneel

A malicious, razor -sharp satire about the administrative tumor that our society has been overgrown for twenty years: the external advice. The parasites screamed. 

A proliferation of organizational, advisory and strategy consultations has paralyzed the Netherlands and eradicated democracy. Consultants dumps -thick reports at the desks in The Hague, while victims are left with nothing. Because why would you remedy a population -emotional scandal if you can also let KPMG and McKinsey open open doors? Smooth boys who reject any liability and fill their foolless deep pockets with public money. Your money.

In the meantime, there is an ever -growing group of citizens who feel more powerless and unseen because of these practices. They cannot get a home, are called up for fraud and have hardly any future perspective.

This injustice can no longer be kept. What to do? The seducers give an evening of unsolicited and unsalted advice. And that for a modest hourly rate.

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