Cyrano – Jeroen Spitzenberger, Shelley Bos, Keanu Visscher e.a.

Cyrano - Jeroen Spitzenberger, Shelley Bos, Keanu Visscher e.a.

Theater en toneel

Cyrano , a comedy full of music, passion and poetry. With clever texts sharper than a saber. Who is running away with the beautiful Roxanne? Cyrano with his unlimited love and charismatic personality or Christian with his great heart and beauty? This timeless story about love and self -image and the pressure of society is a classic that you must have seen.

In this impressive version of Cyrano , with a 10-member top cast of actors and musicians, an exciting love triangle reveals itself in which the characters always feel that they are falling short. Cyrano, the charming and quirky master poet hides his love for Roxanne (Shelley Bos) because of his striking ugly nose. However, he forges a plan to make the handsome Christian (Keanu Visscher) shine in the battle for Roxanne's heart. But where Cyrano suffers from his ugliness, it is the beauty that is in the way of Christian and Roxanne.

In a time when the perception of our appearance is strongly influenced by social media and the continuous pressure to meet an ideal image, the theme of Cyrano is perhaps more topical than ever. 

  • of the creative team of Murder on the Orient Express and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory .
  • With free introduction at 7.15 pm.  

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