Eiffel, de musical – Ad Knippels, Soraya Gerrits, Dennis Willekens e.a.

Eiffel, de musical - Ad Knippels, Soraya Gerrits, Dennis Willekens e.a.

Musical & Show

With his gaze on the top, Gustave seems to be blind for the sacrifices that Claire brings for this. Claire is afraid that after the death of her mother she will also lose her father, now that she is buried under his work. If her fiancé Adolphe also presents her with the impossible choice, the question is how much man can bend before he breaks.

Meanwhile, fearful and wondered Parisians are looking at the world exhibition of 1889 for which the technical miracle of 300 meters of steel is rising on the banks of the Seine. That the city and later the world have embraced this tower can only be due to love;

Eiffel, the musical in the media:
'' Ad Knippels again delivers a top performance in Eiffel. '' (Telegraaf

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