EU Parade tijdens de dag van Europa -
During our EU parade we show what is done at the European Union at the local and (inter) nationally. Of course we pay extra attention to the current challenges and dilemmas for the EU and certainly also for us the citizens.
It will be a lively day with a wide program. The vein will be central. After all, what is the story of Europe?
- The official language is Dutch. Some workshops are given in English.
- Entrance is free of charge. Registration is mandatory.
Young people
Young people participate in a special program.
From 1:30 pm there are two options for them:
- Workshops by supervisors of the European Youth Parliament Netherlands (also in English).
- Making stories (texts, poetry, music, visual, theater) about Europe and the EU led by Eric van der Steen.
Special parts
The parts will be accompanied by Eric van der Steen, Harry Starren and Jacques Giesbertz.
The day starts with a breakfast session together with Harry Starren.
You can register separately for this via This session starts at 8:30 am in the Parktheater.
Number of places is limited.