Hotel Gouden Bergen – De Theatertroep en De Spelersfederatie

Hotel Gouden Bergen - De Theatertroep en De Spelersfederatie

Theater en toneel

A hotel is the world in small. The secret lives of the guests take place in the rooms. The first fight of a brand new couple. The deflowering of an awkward, lost young man. An old couple who return to the hotel where they once experienced their first night together, looking back on their lives, at least if they still remember everything well. A film director who discusses with her much too young lover.

A variety of memorable characters is reviewed, each with a different purpose, a different hope, a different wish, a different fear. In Hotel Gouden Bergen, the walls have an ears, is no longer secure and the apparent anonymity of the hotel room is definitively lifted, which causes hilarious then tragic encounters.

Hotel Gouden Bergen is a co-production with the player federation and the second play that Kyrian Esser writes.

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