Icoon – Introdans

Icoon - Introdans

Dans & ballet

No Dutch Required

You will experience a (time) journey this evening, which starts with interior drama from 1977, new to the Dutch public, along the pieces Kilar, Petricor and Concerto Die Introdans danced more often, and ends with a world premiere of its newest work. Child's movement language is completely unique: in an abstract, almost mathematical way, she creates the most complex masterpieces with relatively simple ballet and athletic movements. The bond between Childs and Introdans can also be called unique, there is no company in the world that dances so much work from her. Introdans has a rich oeuvre of existing and new work by Lucinda Childs. With icon it underlines this special band. 

Introdans director Roel Voorintholt about icon: “How special is we, as a small Dutch company, have been able to build this intensive relationship with this American" icon ". For me, Child's masterpieces are really the "showpiece" of Introdans. Her work is meditative, extremely aesthetic, and that of no other choreographer can be compared. You are automatically carried in and enchanted by it, and I often hear from spectators that they are very calm and relaxed - and that is sometimes nice in these chaotic times. ”

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