Moeder Courage – Het Nationale Theater

Moeder Courage - Het Nationale Theater

Theater en toneel

In Mother Courage you see a versatile mix of actors, dancers and musicians. The band Spill Gold plays live music, inspired by lyrics from poets from war zones such as Gaza and Ukraine, where the reality of war leaves deep traces. These voices make it felt what it is like to fight for survival. 

The "Courages" of our time
“I met them: the courages of our time. Women who try to raise their children in hell of war or occupation. Mothers in the wars in Gaza, Ukraine or Sudan. They are not sweet women, kindness is reserved for those who live in peace and wealth. But they never give up, they remain right because of the stress and the grief. Under their hard skin and right through injustice, they keep their humanity with a courage that we can hardly imagine. In this performance I hope to give them the respect that she is coming. "

The story
The continent is in an endless war. Every piece of land, food, water, fuel and even shade is fought. In this unstable world, in which the war keeps turning everything upside down, Mother Courage (Tamar van den Dop) is traveling around with her three young adult children. Trade is its only survival strategy. So she sells everything that is needed: from weapons to food, from boots to beer. Full of dedication, she fights to keep her family together. At all costs.

On the website of the National Theater, an audio entry and stimulus guide will be available from 24 April. Look at

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