Moeders of Loeders – Rebecca Boektje en Saskia Weerstand

Moeders of Loeders - Rebecca Boektje en Saskia Weerstand


No sad beige moms and perfect schedules to show off: the coarse -covered Rebecca and the always honest Saskia will fill your evening with their raw, unfiltered view of motherhood. Podcastmakers Rebecca Boektje and Saskia discuss resistance in their weekly podcast " mothers or drivers " everything that comes along in a mother's life. From the hellish birth to the irritations within your relationship, everything is covered, but with a good grain of salt.  

Rebecca is a Hagenees who found her place in Amsterdam, always looks like a walking party and talks as she dresses: colorful, unsalted and always straight from the heart. Mother of three, fond of everything that affects your tooth enamel and hidden behind her tough appearance with a small heart.

Saskia is her calm counterpart. Once the voice of the radio, now the voice of sobriety - except after a drink or two. Mother of three sons, right from Friesland, now under the smoke of the city and always herself, whether she is in front of the microphone or in the middle of the mud on the campsite.

Two totally different characters, but the evidence of meat that a Loeder is lying in every mother.

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