NITE in progress: Oersoep – Nite

NITE in progress: Oersoep - Nite



Which choices are made, which darlings are made and how the magic is created. For the director, the actors, musicians, decor, light and costume designers a chance to test their wildest, craziest, bravest ideas. Do not expect affe performance. Expect a lot of experiment, guts, live music, fresh ideas and a prelude to the Grottezaal performance primal soup

about primal soup
primal soup

“Rebekka and I have pulled out text of primordial soup and again, in a different way, put each other in . I write new lyrics especially for the scene, because we really want to make something what goes by, and is more than the book. And where of course you can also put bodies in position can use music - can make it even more physical than the text is already. For me that is a super cool plus. ” - Bregje Hofstede (writer primordial soup)

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