Spill the tea – Buysse & Joosten | Via Rudolphi Producties

Spill the tea - Buysse & Joosten | Via Rudolphi Producties

Theater en toneel

How easy do we judge someone we don't know? How far does our empathy reach? Spill the Tea is a horror soap over the gossip culture in a hair salon. With the head under the drying cap and the eyes on our reflection, we are confronted with our inevitable hypocrisy and infinite curiosity. Humorous and razor -sharp make Emma Buysse and Luna Joosten our urge to hear somewhere visible and tangible.

The press about Buysse & Joosten
“Joosten & Buysse are increasingly developing as the female counterparts of Hulst & Tarenskeen - sharp chroniclers of their spirit of the times and generation with a preference for

  • excl. Consumption

Spill Th Tea In the media:
“Three great Comédiennes on the floor” (de Volkskrant)

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