The City She Loves Me – Wat we doen

The City She Loves Me - Wat we doen

Theater en toneel

Who is right? Slowly scenes from the film start to walk together with the conversations at the table. But what is the real life now?

The City She Loves Me is made with three actors and the voices of three young people. In a mix of scenes from the film and conversations in the Writers' Room, they play both the filmmakers and the young people, whose voices they play the voices unzensly. They jump back and forth between the adult perspective and the young eyes in a hilarious way, until you start wondering who exactly says what and especially what is true. The City She Loves Me is theater about film with a dash of movie at the end.  

With this project, there is intensive cooperation with a group of young people. They make the short film and they talk to Theater Public about what they would do if they were invisible. 

The show is the sequel to angry young men and so far so good . You can also understand the city she loves me if you have not seen the previous two. 

  • excl. Consumption

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