Tochtgat – Feikes Huis | Jef Van gestel & Peter Vandemeulebroecke

Tochtgat - Feikes Huis | Jef Van gestel & Peter Vandemeulebroecke


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In a windy landscape of dancing pieces of fabric, plastic bags and floating cubes, two touching figures wander that have long lost the fight with the sturdy wind but never give up.  How do we relate to something that is fertile but also destructive?

Visual theater as a moving painting whose frames are blown away. draft hole plays with the aesthetics of draped fabrics on paintings by Rubens, the recognizable humor of slapstick and the impact of life -sized modern visual artworks. 

about Jef van Gestel & Peter Vandemeulebroecke
The theater work by Jef van Gestel & Peter Vandemeulebroecke is like a mental playground. Their performances at the intersection of Mime, Performance, Visual Arts and Physical and Visual Theater seek boundaries, peppered with absurd humor, alienating poetry and an unpleasant fantasy. 

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