Chris Grem

Chris Grem


Chris Grem, known for the large not to avoid, has always been moved by the enormous joy and togetherness to which sad tear -jugs can lead.

He therefore invites the audience to surrender, together with him, to the power of the smartlap and to fully empathize with life that all those great artists sing in their life songs.

Moreover, the audience gets a master class in the technology of the Smartlappenzingen. Because how do you do that? The sob, the slide, the exaggerated life song vibrato? And what is needed to really sing from your heart? Well, to begin with, a beating heart.

Warning: this sing -along party can be an emotional channel unblocker. In other words, take your handkerchief with you and let those tears come. Hook in, live in, let yourself go and sing along with all those classic pearls of smartlaps, life songs and tear -jerkers such as: I feel so damn alone, you lye against me, cry is too late for you, I tore your photo, I torn your photo,

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