Hoe overleef ik alles wat ik niemand vertel? de musical
What do you do when you are an adult, but still as much (or even more) in doubt as when you were an adolescent?
If you have a lot of people around you, but you feel lonely?
If your own dreams are different from the expectations of your environment?
After the success of more than three million books sold, two musicals, a cinema film and two television series, the beloved "How do I survive" series return to the Dutch theaters!
The musical is based on the adult bestseller "How do I survive everything I don't tell anyone?" From Francine Oomen, a series that has formed a generation.
No fewer than 165,000 copies of this last book have been sold!
Signed interpreter
This performance is in collaboration with the producer Theater with Tolk accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing through the use of Dutch sign language interpreters.
Interpreters NGT Cindy Doorman and Rosanne Visser are present at the performance to interpret.
Please contact our theaterkassa via reservations@deschalm.com to reserve these special places.
The performance is also accessible to the public with a visual impairment.
Provides live audio description.
Only blind and visually impaired can hear this via a wireless headphone.
The blind interpreter also provides extra explanation about the decor and the costumes and there is a meet & feel introduction.
To make a reservation for a ticket with Audio Discrektie and the Meet & Feel Introduction, it is possible to select tickets yourself during the OrderPrpces. Or call the Theaterkassa: 040 - 253 35 78. You can also go to this telephone number for more information.
This visually impaired said earlier:
"The blind interpreter has just borrowed his eyes to me."
"I don't see any stab and yet I have seen everything."