Tim Knol & Blue Grass Boogieman

Tim Knol & Blue Grass Boogieman


No Dutch Required

The musicians further dig into the rich history of Bluegrass and Country Music. They have a nice nose for the fringes of interpreters such as Townes van Zandt, The Stanley Brothers and Flatt and Scruggs. In Tim Knol & Blue Grass BOOGIMEN Ride Again they play the songs of their new album and the music of their heroes, peppered with anecdotes about them.

Tim Knol: vocals, guitar |Little is worse than Americana that smells like Brussels sprouts. Fortunately there are artists such as Tim Knol and the Virtuoso Bluegrass group Blue Grass Boogiemen. Whoever saw them perform together already knows: they can do it, and not just a little too ... Happy Hour shows again.The songs on Happy Hour sound fresh, thoroughly lived, exciting and authentic. Also see them live. "

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