Tim Kroezen

Tim Kroezen


Wonka Comedy Festival

The performance falls within the '3x theater for € 33' promotion. Do you want to use this? Order tickets via [this page] (https://kattendans.nl/3x-theater-voor-e-33/) where it is explained how you can order this package.

Tim Kroezen (Boxmeer, 1991) won the Comedy Talent Award in 2022, the Griffioen/De Stoep Cabaret Festival, the Leeuwarder Cabaret Festival and the Groninger Student Cabaret Festival. Since then he has been one of the regular players of the Comedyhuis. In 2024, Tim was in the final of the Leids Cabaret Festival with a program about set the bar too high and grabbed completely in theme in addition to all the prizes. "Tims jokes are smart, original, fun and peppered with self -mockery. It is a search for his identity, with humor as a coping mechanism, "said Cabaret.nl

In the spring of 2025, Tim starts the try-outs of his first full-length show '550'. Five · Five · Tig (, Vɛif'fɛift snow). A cabaret performance about the consequences of identification with your intellect. Tim takes you in a head that never stands still. A debut program about ambition, love and evidence, made for people like you.

jury commentary Groninger Student Cabaret Festival 2022

"Tim is a smart thinker who regularly misleads you. His search for the balance between meaning, making money and self -acceptance fits the current spirit of the times and therefore clearly found resonance in the hall. Tims Timing is also good and his humor intelligent. The jury also found it very nice that he does not explain every joke, so that you as a spectator can keep thinking. That causes air and depth. "


Instagram: www.instagram.com/timkroezen/

Website: www.timkroezen.nl

Photographer: Anne van Zantwijk

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