Het Paradijs
Forget Rutger Bregman, forget Yuval Noah Harari and forget all other self -help books for the 21st century, collectively the Paradise guides misanthropic man to the road. Where the average auxiliary guru shoots with empty promises and nice words, we offer real guidance! A theater triptych that will change your life forever. HEL - Due to all the evil, the suffering, the nightmares and the destruction, collectively hopes to find paradise in the dissolution again. We look at the fiery beast called man in the mouth and dig through the earth's crust in search of hell. We enter the core that starts to rot, mold, stink and digest, after which a new seed sprouts from the grayest but most fertile axis. A raw visual cinematic performance that takes you into the surreal world of devils, purgatory and epic disaster. According to the collective, the twenty-first-century man is completely the trail of good and evil, about how to live life and how to answer drifts. You lead the tripping rebirth triptics through hell (2025), through heaven (2026), to return to the earth with direction for life (2027). For this you can reserve a place free of charge during the ordering process.
English version Below:
forget Rutger BregmanCollective the Paradise Guides The Misanthropic Human Towards the Path Upwards. Where the Average Self-Help Guru Fails with Empty Promises and Pretty Words, we sacrifice real support! A theatrical triptych that will change your life forever.
part one. Hell - by Embracing All Evil, Suffering, Nightmares, And Destruction, Collective The Paradise Hopes to Find Light In The Decay. We Stare Into the Fiery Maw of the Beast Called Humanity and Dig Through The Earth’s Crust in Search of Hell. We enter the core that begins to rot, mill, stink, and decompose, from which a new seed sprouts from the grayest yet most fertile ash. A Raw, Visual, Cinematic Performance That Takes You Into The Surreal World of Devils, Purgatory, And Epic Disasters.
The Rebirth Triptych in All Humility, Collective the Paradise Will Take On The Role of Guide in the ComingAccordance to the collective, The 21st-Century Human is completely Lost Regarding Good and Evil, How to Live Life, and How to Respond to Impulses. The Tripping Rebirth Triptych Will Lead You Through Hell (2025), Through Heaven (2026), and Back to Earth With Direction for Life (2027).