My Fair Human
An ode to women who do not fit in the mold and refuse to remain silent. But do we actually know how her voice really sounds?
my fair human is a sharp, tragicomic music theater performance that holds up a mirror to us, packed in the festive color pallet of Club Lam. With a strong cast, consisting of the renowned ODA Spelbos (known from Flikken Maastricht ), the talented Ella Kamerbeek and the charismatic Valérie van Erven Dorens. This time it is not the male gaze that assesses her, but her own inner critic - and the women around her.
Make space, patriarchy. my fair human takes the stage.
No sweet words or modest smiles here - this is the raw story of women who no longer follow the rules. Three voices - Elisa, Lisa and Elizabeth - struggle with a world that reduces them to beautiful faces and fertile bodies. But when their cycle stops, their story really starts.
Elizabeth sets the transition on fire. Lisa protests and tries to save the world. Elisa refuses to sell her body to other people's ideal. They fight, laugh and confront each other in a world that women want to break.
This is not a search for self -acceptance. This is rebellion in bloom.
From virgin to mother, from wild woman to wise woman - they demand the space that belongs to them.
Time to not only watch, but with itFor this you can reserve a place free of charge during the ordering process.