Ons Moeder

Ons Moeder

Theater en toneel

You can be sure of all the uncertainties in life: we all have a mother. She has worn you for nine months and tolerated the pain to be born. She gave you food, raised you and sat next to your bed when you were sick. She is your example. Or exactly the opposite of what you want to be. And yet she always seeps somewhere in your own behavior.

Everyone has a mother, but everyone goes differently hereIn "Ons Mother" Palace for Volksvlijt goes in search of the mother role in different cultures. Which lullaby songs were sung? How was love talking? How did mother punished? What was her favorite recipe? And her deepest sad secret?  Together they play and dance, tell their stories and show the differences and similarities of their mothers from all over the world. To find out (again) that they are nothing without them ...

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