Kommil Foo

Kommil Foo


A house in a street. A woman on a chair. Waiting, making an exciting listening, hoping for the wafer -thin sound of footsteps on the gravel. For years.

Raf and Mich bite in their family history, dig the old hidden secrets. The grotesque, hilarious and heartbreaking stories, sometimes roared at the party table, sometimes listened to in a corner of the kitchen, often withheld from shame.

Over the years, Kommil Foo has developed a completely unique way of making performances: emotion, hilarity, beautiful songs and an absurd visual language fighting for priority. Performances about people and his everyday tragedy. The viewer is always forced on the tip of his chair: laughing or crying?


The press about "gravel"

  • De Standaard ★★★★★: “Theater at the highest level, in a completely unique style. Irresistibly funny. ”

  • NRC ★★★★: “Spraying show. Goosebumps. Constant of a high level. Subtle humor, self -aware bravado, extremely moving. "

  • De Telegraaf ★★★★: "Extremely witty, personal, moving and from an unseen musical class."

  • Theaterkrant: “Bloodly beautiful representation! Both oppressive and comforting. ”

  • Het Parool: “Nice monument for transience. Delicious, bittersweet melancholy. Beautiful songs. Very moving. ”


Raf Walschaerts (Essen, 1965) and Mich Walschaerts (Essen, 1969). The Flemish brothers have been on stage together since 1987. In 1988 they made their first performance "Ballad". In 1992 the brothers win the Camaretten Festival and a year later also follows the fame in their own country through their performance in the television program "Tomorrow Monday" in which they perform satirical and witty sketches. Since then, Kommil Foo has been successfully touring the Flemish and Dutch theaters with unique performances: hilarious, moving and a great musicality. Cabaret? Kleinkunst? Concert? Indeed!


Game and text: Raf Walschaerts & Mich Walschaerts

Director: Ineke Nijssen

Technology: Koen Bellens

Scene photos: Jaap Reedijk

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